• Lutz, J (Iowa State University): Alan Turing in the twenty-first century: normal numbers, randomness, and finite automata
• Nies, A (University of Auckland): Demuth randomness and its variants
• Sanders, S (Universiteit Gent): Nonstandard Analysis: a new way to compute
• Shen, A (Université de Montpellier 2): Topological arguments in Kolmogorov complexity
• Miyabe, K (Kyoto University): Schnorr triviality is equivalent to being a basis for tt-Schnorr randomness
• Petrovic, T (University of Zagreb): Two betting strategies that predict all compressible sequences
• Rute, J (Carnegie Mellon University): Computable randomness and its properties
• Simpson, S (Pennsylvania State University): Propagation of partial randomness
• Cholak, P (University of Notre Dame): Computably enumerable partial orders
• Brattka, V (University of Cape Town): On the computational content of the Baire Category Theorem
• Porter, C (University of Notre Dame): Trivial measures are not so trivial
• Hoyrup, M (INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt): On the inversion of computable functions
• Herbert, I (University of California, Berkeley): (Almost) Lowness for K and finite self-information
• Bauwens, B (Universidade do Porto): Prefix and plain Kolmogorov complexity characterizations of 2-randomness: simple proofs
• Hitchcock, J M (University of Wyoming): Limitations of Efficient Reducibility to the Kolmogorov Random Strings
• Zimand, M (Towson University): Language compression for sets in P/poly
• Koucky, M (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic): The story of superconcentrators – the missing link
• Nguyen, D (University at Buffalo): Autoreducibility for NEXP
• Turetsky, D (Victoria University of Wellington): SJT-hardness and pseudo-jump inversion
• Teutsch, J (Pennsylvania State University): Translating the Cantor set by a random
• Barmpalias, G (Chinese Academy of Sciences): Exact pairs for the ideal of the K-trivial sequences in the Turing degrees
• Heiber, P A (Universidad de Buenos Aires): Normality and Differentiability
• Fouche, W (University of South Africa): Kolmogorov complexity and Fourier aspects of Brownian motion
• Franklin, J (University of Connecticut): Ergodic theory and strong randomness notions
• Reznikova, Z (Novosibirsk State University): Integration of ideas and methods of Kolmogorov Complexity and classical mathematical statistics
• Ryabko, D (INRIA, Lille, France): Limit capacity of non-stochastic steganographic systems and Hausdorff dimension
• Tadaki, K (Chuo University): Cryptography and Algorithmic Randomness
• Lewis, A (University of Leeds): The typical Turing degree
• Takahashi, H (University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo): Algorithmic randomness and stochastic selection function
• Day, A (University of California, Berkeley): Cupping with random sets
• Downey, R (Victoria University of Wellington): Resolute sets and initial segment complexity