Electronics, Communications and Networks

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference (CECNet 2023), Macao, China, 17-20 November 2023

It is hard to imagine a world without electronic communication networks, so dependent have we all become on the networks which now exist and have become part of the fabric of our daily lives.

This book presents papers from CECNet 2023, the 13th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks, held as a hybrid event, in person in Macau, China and online via Microsoft Teams, from 17-20 November 2023. This annual conference provides a comprehensive, global forum for experts and participants from academia to exchange ideas and present the results of ongoing research in state-of-the-art areas of electronics technology, communications engineering and technology, wireless communications engineering and technology, and computer engineering and technology. A total of 324 submissions were received for the conference, and those which qualified by virtue of falling under the scope of the conference topics were exhaustively reviewed by program committee members and peer-reviewers, taking into account the breadth and depth of the relevant research topics. The 101 selected contributions included in this book present innovative, original ideas or results of general significance, supported by clear and rigorous reasoning and compelling new light in both evidence and method. Subjects covered divide broadly into 3 categories: electronics technology and VLSI, internet technology and signal processing, and information communication and communication networks.

Providing an overview of current research and developments in these rapidly evolving fields, the book will be of interest to all those working with digital communications networks.

Editors: Tallón-Ballesteros, A.J., Cortés-Ancos, E., López-García, D.A.
Pages: 848
Binding: softcover
Volume 381 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ISBN print: 978-1-64368-480-2
ISBN online: 978-1-64368-481-9