EuroCrypt 2012

• Antoine Joux and Vanessa Vitse (DGA and Université Versailles Saint-Quentin): Cover and Decomposition Index Calculus on Elliptic Curves made practical. Application to a previously unreachable curve over Fp6

• Jean-Charles Faugère, Ludovic Perret, Christophe Petit, and Guénaël Renault (UPMC, INRIA France, and UCL Belgium): Improving the Complexity of Index Calculus Algorithms in Elliptic Curves over Binary Fields

• Andrey Bogdanov, Lars R. Knudsen, Gregor Leander, Francois-Xavier Standaert, John Steinberger, and Elmar Tischhauser (KUL, UCL Belgium, DTU Denmark, and Tsinghua University): Key-Alternating Ciphers in a Provable Setting: Encryption Using a Small Number of Public Permutations

• Peter Gazi and Stefano Tessaro (ETH Zurich, Comenius University Bratislava, and UC San Diego): Efficient and Optimally Secure Key-Length Extension for Block Ciphers via Randomized Cascading

• Antoine Joux (DGA and Université Versailles Saint-Quentin) : A Tutorial on High Performance Computing applied to Cryptanalysis

• Adam Groce and Jonathan Katz (University of Maryland): Fair Computation with Rational Players

• Sanjam Garg, Vipul Goyal, Abhishek Jain, and Amit Sahai (UC Los Angeles, and MSR India): Concurrently Secure Computation in Constant Rounds

• Tsz Hon Yuen, Sherman S. M. Chow, Ye Zhang, and Siu Ming Yiu (The University of Hong Kong, University of Waterloo, and Pennsylvania State University): Identity-Based Encryption Resilient to Continual Auxiliary Leakage

• Dominique Unruh (University of Tartu): Quantum Proofs of Knowledge

• Alessandra Scafuro and Ivan Visconti (University of Salerno): On Round-Optimal Zero Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model

• Gene Kopp and John Wiltshire-Gordon (University of Michigan): Robust Coin Flipping

• Alfonso Cevallos, Serge Fehr, Rafail Ostrovsky, and Yuval Rabani (Leiden University, CWI Amsterdam, UC Los Angeles, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Unconditionally-Secure Robust Secret Sharing with Compact Shares

• Dennis Hofheinz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): All-But-Many Lossy Trapdoor Functions

• Mihir Bellare, Eike Kiltz, Chris Peikert, and Brent Waters (UC San Diego, Ruhr-University Bochum, Georgia Institute of Technology, and UT Austin): Identity-Based (Lossy) Trapdoor Functions and Applications

• Hoeteck Wee (George Washington University): Dual Projective Hashing and its Applications - Lossy Trapdoor Functions and More

• Stephanie Bayer and Jens Groth (University College London): Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle

• Melissa Chase, Markulf Kohlweiss, Anna Lysyanskaya, and Sarah Meiklejohn (MSR Redmond, MSR Cambridge, Brown University, and UC San Diego): Malleable Proof Systems and Applications

• Masayuki Abe, Kristiyan Haralambiev, and Miyako Ohkubo (NTT Japan, NYU, and NICT): Group to Group Commitments Do Not Shrink

• Allison Lewko (UT Austin): Tools for Simulating Features of Composite Order Bilinear Groups in the Prime Order Setting

• Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, and Adi Shamir (University of Haifa and Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel): Minimalism in Cryptography: The Even-Mansour Scheme Revisited

• Yevgeniy Dodis, Eike Kiltz, Krzysztof Pietrzak, and Daniel Wichs (NYU, Ruhr-University Bochum, IST Austria, and IBM Research): Message Authentication, Revisited

• Omkant Pandey and Yannis Rouselakis (Microsoft Redmond and UT Austin): Property Preserving Symmetric Encryption

• Dmitry Khovratovich, Gaetan Leurent, and Christian Rechberger (MSR Redmond, University of Luxembourg, and DTU Denmark): Narrow Bicliques: Cryptanalysis of Full IDEA

• Yu Sasaki (NTT): Cryptanalyses on a Merkle-Damgard Based MAC --- Almost Universal Forgery and Distinguishing-H Attacks

• Amir Moradi (Ruhr-University Bochum): Statistical Tools Flavor Side-Channel Collision Attacks

• Jean-Sebastien Coron, David Naccache, and Mehdi Tibouchi (University of Luxembourg, ENS, and NTT Japan): Public-key Compression and Modulus Switching for Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers

• Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, and Nigel Smart (IBM Research and University of Bristol): Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Polylog Overhead

• Gilad Asharov, Abhishek Jain, Adriana Lopez-Alt, Eran Tromer, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, and Daniel Wichs (Bar Ilan University, UC Los Angeles, NYU, Tel-Aviv University, University of Toronto, and IBM Research): Multiparty Computation with Low Communication, Computation and Interaction via Threshold FHE

• Yuanmi Chen and Phong Q. Nguyen (ENS, INRIA, France, and Tsinghua University): Faster Algorithms for Approximate Common Divisors: Breaking Fully-Homomorphic-Encryption Challenges over the Integers

• Anja Becker, Antoine Joux, Alexander May, and Alexander Meurer (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, DGA, Ruhr-University Bochum): Decoding Random Binary Linear Codes in 2^(n/20): How 1+1=0 Improves Information Set Decoding

• Alfred Menezes (University of Waterloo): Another Look at Provable Security

• Saqib A. Kakvi and Eike Kiltz (Ruhr-University Bochum): Optimal Security Proofs for Full Domain Hash, Revisited

• Yannick Seurin (ANSSI France): On the Exact Security of Schnorr-Type Signatures in the Random Oracle Model

• Michel Abdalla, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Vadim Lyubashevsky, and Mehdi Tibouchi (CNRS, INRIA, ENS, France, and NTT Japan): Tightly-Secure Signatures from Lossy ID Schemes

• Tatsuaki Okamoto and Katsuyuki Takashima (NTT Japan and Mitsubishi Electric): Adaptively Attribute-Hiding (Hierarchical) Inner Product Encryption

• Benoit Libert, Thomas Peters and Moti Yung (UCL Belgium, Google Inc., and Columbia University): Scalable Group Signatures with Revocation

• Ilya Mironov, Omkant Pandey, Omer Reingold, and Gil Segev (MSR Silicon Valley and Microsoft Redmond): Incremental Deterministic Public-Key Encryption

• Mihir Bellare, Rafael Dowsley, Brent Waters, and Scott Yilek (UC San Diego, UT Austin, and the University of St. Thomas): Standard Security Does Not Imply Security Against Selective-Opening

• Susan Hohenberger, Allison Lewko, and Brent Waters (Johns Hopkins University and UT Austin): Detecting Dangerous Queries: A New Approach for Chosen Ciphertext Security

• Alexandra Boldyreva, Jean Paul Degabriele, Kenneth G. Paterson, and Martijn Stam (Georgia Institute of Technology, Royal Holloway University of London, and University of Bristol): Security of Symmetric Encryption in the Presence of Ciphertext Fragmentation

• Daniele Micciancio and Chris Peikert (UC San Diego and Georgia Institute of Technology): Trapdoors for Lattices: Simpler, Tighter, Faster, Smaller

• Abhishek Banerjee, Chris Peikert, and Alon Rosen (Georgia Institute of Technology and IDC Herzliya): Pseudorandom Functions and Lattices

• Vadim Lyubashevsky (INRIA, ENS, Paris): Lattice Signatures Without Trapdoors