Is Cryptographic Theory Practically Relevant?

• Welcome: Is Cryptographic Theory Practically Relevant?

• Vaudenay, S (EPFL): Privacy in Deniable Anonymous Concurrent Authentication with Setup is Impossible: Do we Care?

• Cachin, C (IBM Research, Zurich): Storage encryption and key management

• Naccache, D (ENS Paris): Mathematical and practical security problems not directly related to cryptography

• Groth, J (UCL): Efficient Verification of ElGamal Ciphertext Shuffles

• Shrimpton, T (Portland State): A long answer to the simple question, "Is TLS provably secure?"

• Horne, R; French, G (Barclays and UK Cabinet Office/Barclays): Scaling Cryptographic Deployments

• Steel, G (ENS Cachan): Analysis of Cryptographic Security APIs

• Krawczyk, H (IBM Research, USA): Cryptographic Extraction

• Beric, J; Ward, M (Mastercard International): The practical application of cryptography to international card payments

• Kiayias, A (Athens): Cryptography with Work-based Corruptions and the Combinatorics of Anonymity

• Bond, M (Cryptomathic): HSM Portal – Practical Tools built on Theory

• Preneel, B (KU Leuven): Theory and practice for hash functions

• Paar, C (Ruhr University Bochum): Lessons Learned from Four Years of Implementation Attacks against Real-World Targets

• Danezis, G (Microsoft): Secure metrology: From theory to practice

• Ristenpart, T (Wisconsin, Madison): Practice-Driven Cryptographic Theory

• Shacham, H (UCSB): Cars and Voting Machines: Embedded Systems in the Field

• Chen, L (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories): From Cryptographer's Cryptography to Engineer's Crypto

• Wikström, D (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology) : Verificatum -- An efficient and provably secure mix-net

• Cremers, C (ETH Zurich): Key Exchange: Security Models and Automatic Analysis

• McGrew, D (Cisco): Problems in Cryptographic Standards and Implementations