June 26
• Yuri Matiyasevich: Enlarging the Scope of Applicability of Successful Techniques for Automated Reasoning in Mathematics
• François Bobot, Sylvain Conchon, Evelyne Contejean, Mohamed Iguernelala, Assia Mahboubi, Alain Mebsout and Guillaume Melquiond: A Simplex-Based Extension of Fourier-Motzkin for Solving Linear Integer Arithmetic
• Stephan Falke and Deepak Kapur: Rewriting Induction + Linear Arithmetic = Decision Procedure
• Dejan Jovanović and Leonardo De Moura: Solving Non-Linear Arithmetic
• Pierre-Cyrille Heam, Vincent Hugot and Olga Kouchnarenko: From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions
• Markus Latte and Martin Lange: Branching Time? Pruning Time!
• Stéphane Demri, Amit Kumar Dhar and Arnaud Sangnier: Taming Past LTL and Flat Counter Systems
• Jan-David Quesel and Andre Platzer: Playing Hybrid Games with KeYmaera
• Matthias Baaz, Ori Lahav and Anna Zamansky: Effective Finite-valued Semantics for Labelled Calculi
• Rajeev Gore and Jimmy Thomson: BDD-based Automated Reasoning for Propositional Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logics
June 27
• Robert Nieuwenhuis: SAT and SMT Are Still Resolution: Questions and Challenges
• Sicun Gao, Jeremy Avigad and Edmund Clarke: Delta-Complete Decision Procedures for Satisfiability over the Reals
• Andrej Spielmann and Viktor Kuncak: Synthesis for Unbounded Bitvector Arithmetic
• Roberto Sebastiani and Silvia Tomasi: Optimization in SMT with LA(Q) Cost Functions
• Andrew Marshall and Paliath Narendran: A New Algorithm for Unification Modulo One-Sided Distributivity
• Siva Anantharaman, Serdar Erbatur, Christopher Lynch, Paliath Narendran and Michael Rusinowitch: Unification modulo Synchronous Distributivity
• Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt and Barbara Morawska: SAT-Encoding of Unification in ELHR+ w.r.t. Cycle-Restricted Ontologies
• Alwen Tiu: Stratification in Logics of Definitions
• Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi and Silvio Ranise: From Strong Amalgamability to Modularity of Quantifier-Free Interpolation
• Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Merz and Christoph Weidenbach: Combination of disjoint theories: beyond decidability
• Afternoon Lecture by Peter Andrews
June 28
• Nicole Schweikardt: Querying graph structured data
• Stefan Borgwardt, Felix Distel and Rafael Peñaloza: How Fuzzy is my Fuzzy Description Logic?
• Andreas Steigmiller, Thorsten Liebig and Birte Glimm: Extended Caching, Backjumping and Merging for Expressive Description Logics
• Melisachew Wudage Chekol, Jérôme Euzenat, Pierre Geneves and Nabil Layaïda: SPARQL Query Containment under RDFS Entailment Regime
• Frank de Boer, Marcello Bonsangue and Jurriaan Rot: Automated Verification of Recursive Programs with Pointers
• Taus Brock-Nannestad and Carsten Schuermann: Truthful Monadic Abstractions
• Chad Brown: Satallax: An Automated Higher-Order Prover
• Thomas Raths and Jens Otten: The QMLTP Problem Library for First-order Modal Logics
• Matti Järvisalo, Marijn Heule and Armin Biere: Inprocessing Rules
• Daniel Kuehlwein, Twan van Laarhoven, Evgeni Tsivtsivadze, Josef Urban and Tom Heskes: Overview and Evaluation of Premise Selection Techniques for Large Theory Mathematics
• Moshe Emmer, Zurab Khasidashvili, Konstantin Korovin, Christoph Sticksel and Andrei Voronkov: EPR-based bounded model checking at word level
• Afternoon Lecture by Martin Davis
June 29
• Nikolaj Bjorner: Taking Satisfiability to the Next Level with Z3
• Đurica Nikolić and Fausto Spoto: Reachability Analysis of Program Variables
• Conrad Rau, David Sabel and Manfred Schmidt-Schauss: Correctness of Program Transformations as a Termination Problem
• Fabian Emmes, Tim Enger and Jürgen Giesl: Proving Non-Looping Non-Termination Automatically
• Jürgen Giesl: Results from Termination Competition
• Mélanie Jacquel, Karim Berkani, David Delahaye and Catherine Dubois: Tableaux Modulo Theories using Superdeduction: An Application to the Verification of B Proof Rules with the Zenon Automated Theorem Prover
• Thomas Sternagel and Harald Zankl: KBCV – Knuth-Bendix Completion Visualizer
• Stephan Schulz: Fingerprint Indexing for Paramodulation and Rewriting
• Boris Konev, Michel Ludwig and Frank Wolter: Logical Difference Computation with CEX 2.5
• Matej Urbas and Mateja Jamnik: Diabelli: A heterogeneous reasoning framework
• Martin Suda and Christoph Weidenbach: A PLTL-prover based on labelled superposition with partial model guidance
• Franz Baader, Julian Mendez and Barbara Morawska: UEL: Unification Solver for the Description Logic EL, System Description
• Simon Foster and Georg Struth: Automated Analysis of Regular Algebra
• Mnacho Echenim and Nicolas Peltier: A Calculus for Generating Ground Explanations
• Stephanie Delaune, Steve Kremer and Daniel Pasaila: Security protocols, constraint systems, and group theories
• Afternoon Lecture by John Alan Robinson