28th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, MFPS 2012

June 6
• Andrea Schalk, Manchester: Introduction to game semantics

• Patricia Johann, Strathclyde: Lifting Functors: Induction, Coinduction, and (maybe) Parametricity

• Stephen Brookes : Concurrent Separation Logic and Syntactic Control of Interference

• Aquinas Hobor and Robert Dockins: Time Bounds for General Function Pointers

• Steve Awodey, CMU: Homotopy Type Theory

• Sanjeevi Krishnan: Optimization and Poincare Duality

• Eric Goubault: Geometry of trace spaces and (some) applications

• Nicola Gambino: Homotopy-initial W-types

• Andrej Bauer: Automation of proofs in HoTT

• Joachim Kock: Data Types with Symmetries and Polynomial Functors Over Groupoids

• Naohiko Hoshino: A Representation Theorem for Unique Decomposition Categories

7 June
• Paul-Andre MelliËs, Paris VII: Tensorial logic, dialogue categories and games

• Michael Clarkson, GWU: Mathematical Foundations for Computer Security

• Matteo Cimini, Mohammadreza Mousavi, Michel Reniers and Murdoch Gabbay: Nominal SOS

• Murdoch Gabbay and Dan Ghica: Game Semantics in the Nominal Model

• John Power, Bath: Category Theoretic Understandings of Universal Algebra and its dual: monads and Lawvere theories, comonads and ?

• Alex Simpson: Observational equivalence for computational effects

• Neil Ghani: Fibrational Induction Meets Effects

• Andrej Bauer: A semantic account of an effect system

• Sam Staton: State-passing style

• Ingo Battenfeld: Observationally-induced effects in cartesian closed categories

• Barbara Petit: Continuation Models for the Lambda Calculus with Constructors

8 June
• Ugo Montanari and Matteo Sammartino: Network Conscious pi-calculus: a Concurrent Semantics

• Toby Wilkinson: A Characterisation of Expressivity for Coalgebraic Bisimulation and Simulation

• Filippo Bonchi, Marcello Bonsangue, Georgiana Caltais, Jan Rutten and Alexandra Silva: Final Semantics for Decorated Traces

• Dan Teodosiu: A Truly Concurrent Process Semantics over Multi-Pomsets of Consumable Resources

Session on Computability on Continuous Data. This session is part of the ATY.
• Drew Moshier: Logic of integration, dimension and related geometry

• Nick Bezhanishili: Logics for compact Hausdorff spaces

• Paul Taylor: Semilattice bases for locally compact spaces

• Jens Blanck: Interval domains and computable sequences

• Martin Escardo: The intrinsic topology of a Martin-Lof universe, with an application to Rice's theorem for the universe
End of Session on Computability on Continuous Data

• Andrew Lawrence, Ulrich Berger and Monika Seisenberger: Extracting a DPLL Algorithm

• Oleksandr Manzyuk: A Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus of Forward Automatic Differentiation

9 June
• Luke Ong, Oxford: Two-level Game Semantics, Intersection Types and Higher-Order Model Checking

• Dan Ghica and Nikos Tzevelekos: A System-Level Game Semantics

• Guy McCusker, John Power and Cai Wingfield: A Graphical Foundation for Schedules

• Roy Dyckhoff, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh and Julien Truffaut: Algebra, Proof Theory and Applications for a Logic of Propositions, Actions and Adjoint Modal Operators

• Wolfgang Jeltsch: Towards a Common Categorical Semantics for Linear-Time Temporal Logic and Functional Reactive Programming

• Robin Cockett, Ximo Diaz-Boils, Jonathan Gallagher and Pavel Hrubes: Timed Sets, Functional Complexity, and Computability

• Ulrich Berger and Tie Hou: Typed vs Untyped Realizability